Weather insights at your fingertips

Discover, create and share reliable weather statistics and charts.

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Reliable weather insights on demand

Weathersight enables content creators and journalists to create and share high quality weather analyses and reports.

Discover the latest weather extremes

Receive alerts on recent and upcoming anomalies like heatwaves, storms, and heavy rainfall.

Latest Extremes 

Visualize local weather patterns

Build and share interactive charts that reveal shifts in weather patterns for your city. Access data from over 3,000 cities with 50+ years of history.

Trends  Comparisons Shifts

Show the impact of changes to weather patterns

Generate and share graphs of climate change indicators using up-to-date data for your city.

Degree Days Heat-Wave Days

Quantify the rarity and severity of extremes

Calculate return periods of extreme events and show how they have changed over the years

Return Periods

Visualize global weather patterns

Design unique maps of seasonal global weather and extremes, highlighting city-specific details.

Summer 2024 Summer Trends

Explain local climate and weather

Craft data-driven insights on typical and unusual weather patterns for your city.

What is Typical? Recent Weather

Tools for data driven climate journalism

Weathersight uses advanced statistical models on continuously updated weather data to provide context for weather-related articles.

Breaking weather news support

Get alerts on recent and upcoming newsworthy events like heatwaves, storms, and intense rainfall.

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AI driven assistance for climate stories

Enhance your weather story with relevant data and engaging visualizations.

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AI generated factual summaries

Create reliable weather bulletins with linked sources for each summarized fact.

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